Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Drive Exceptional Data-Driven Decisions with Business Intelligence and Analytics Solutions


Rapid change within the digital industry is not a new development. Today, it is critically important that the right data is extracted and delivered across all organizational channels to support proactive and intelligent decision-making. Fortunately, we now have intuitive technologies that allow organizations to harness the power of improved data analytics and accelerate growth and improve customer experiences.

Intigate possesses domain expertise in modern digital technologies including business intelligence and data analytics. We deliver top-notch solutions that enable you to drive insights, observe operational and marketing trends, track business patterns, predict business risk, and identify opportunities that enhance your revenue streams.

Our innovation-led and data-focused approach to BI and analytics quantify company values, gain insights through data visualization, integrate agility in operations and decision-making processes, and remain competitive.

Whether you manage data on-premises or on the cloud, our data engineers and BI professionals deliver intuitive solutions across multiple industry domains.

Our BI & Data Analytics Capabilities

Our approach to Business Intelligence and Analytics is scalable and sustainable. From BI & analytics platform design and enterprise metadata management to embedded analytics implementation and improved data lineage visibility, Intigate can assist you to develop the ability to cultivate actionable data insights.

Data Integration & Management

To prevent large volume data from being siloed, we assess and combine data from disparate sources and simplify complex information to form a data management and integration strategy that delivers actionable insights.

Advanced Data Analytics

Intelligent data design is necessary for generating actionable insights for decision-making purposes. We improve your access to web and video intelligence that aids performance management and predictive risk analysis.

Data Visualization

Continuous data monitoring highlights missing data, out-of-date information, and other discrepancies. Our data visualization solutions support that by providing a 360-degree visual to analytics, variables, and existing data resources so you can find relevance for decision making.

Big Data & Machine Learning

We integrate machine learning and big data capabilities to create data science tools to create robust platforms, increase mobile accessibility of data, incorporate analytical metrics to obtain business intelligence, and more.

SDLC Process – BI & Data Analytics

Lifecycle of BI and data analytic development is different than our traditional SLDC approach for software development projects. We begin by defining the initial strategy and the follow through with a continuous process of evolution, feeding one iteration to the next.

We begin by collecting relevant information as per your request and requirements from the project.

We develop high and low-level software architecture and UI screens using the information obtained previously.

Using agile methodologies, we divide project modules and begin coding the system using suitable programming languages and coding guidelines.

Our QA testing team tests the functionality of the code to identify and fix bugs that improve the solution’s performance.

Our team deploys the finalized version of the software or application to it can be launched to target your user market.

As per your SLA, Intigate ensures that ongoing needs for maintenance and support for the deployed solution are met effectively.

Our Approach

Business Intelligence and Data Analytics services support the collection, analysis, reporting, management, and syndication of data obtained from internal and external resources. We change our approach to tailor services as per your needs. Regardless of the model used, we aim to deliver agile BI dashboards that allow data integration, visual analytics, web analytics, and data science.

  • infograph-04

    Agile development methodology is used to minimize risks involved when adding functionalities such as bugs, cost overruns, and changing requirements.

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    Lean Development

    The lean model is used to reduce development costs, improve quality, increase productivity, and leading to increased customer satisfaction.

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    RAD (Rapid Application Development)

    This approach allows developers to quickly adjust to shifting requirements in a fast-paced and constantly changing environment. RAD is useful for small to medium projects that are time-sensitive.

  • Waterfall-web-version

    The waterfall method is consists of sequential phases (requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance). Project managers decide to use this methodology for projects with clear objectives and stable requirements.

Full-Stack Technologies & Tools We Champion

Intigate’s team has built and honed competency in a wide range of technologies and tools that facilitate proficient development processes.