Artificial Intelligence

Move Beyond Proof of Concept with Modern Artificial Intelligence Services


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a 21st-century trend that seems to have taken the entire technological landscape by a storm. It is a cosmic soup of other technologies that mimic human capabilities, allowing machines to observe, understand, learn, and then act in order to complement the prior.

Language processing, machine learning, algorithmic changes, data analytics, and big data are the cogs in the mechanism of AI. Its scope and power to change the world are far beyond comprehension as every facet of the IT infrastructure can hugely benefit from its application.

At Intigate, innovation in technology is the core of what we do. We aim to enable our clients in ways that they can streamline and automate business and decision-making processes through the integration of AI.

Whether you require an AI platform for obtaining relevant marketing insights, conversational AI or cognitive automation for improved customer service, or a complete AI transformation roadmap, Intigate is all equipped to deliver the best-in-class services.

Scale AI for Modernization – Our AI Capabilities

Intigate has built its domain expertise in AI through our journey of over a decade. We help you develop an AI strategy and then scale your business and deliver meaningful customer experiences though integration of any or all of the following solutions as per your business requirement


The invention and growing application of AI have revolutionized customer management. We integrate our AI capabilities to develop smart chatbots that cut customer service costs and improves the overall experience with prompt response capabilities.

Video Analytics

Video analytics support your security needs, especially benefitting industries where security operations are critical. Our automated solution enables entity tracking, facial recognition, vehicle detection, and more.

Smart Kiosk

Self-service is made possible with the integration of smart AI technologies. It improvises the traditional retail experience and automates it to support cost-saving and digitization goals.

Retail Analytics

The retail industry relies on consumer insights and data concerning their changing behavior. Companies then leverage these analytics to predict consumer behavior and make changes necessary for improving their experience.

Spam Detection

Cybersecurity has become a prime concern across all industries as the risk of phishing, spam, and social engineering attacks increases. AI-driven spam detection capabilities help mitigate these challenges and implement changes necessary for securing critical data.

SDLC Process – AI Services

Our AI development lifecycle employs industry best practices and technologies to the deliver effective AI solutions within the specified timelines, keeping clients engages throughout development phases.

We begin by collecting relevant information as per your request and requirements from the project.

We develop high and low-level software architecture and UI screens using the information obtained previously.

Using agile methodologies, we divide project modules and begin coding the system using suitable programming languages and coding guidelines.

Our QA testing team tests the functionality of the code to identify and fix bugs that improve the solution’s performance.

Our team deploys the finalized version of the software or application to it can be launched to target your user market.

As per your SLA, Intigate ensures that ongoing needs for maintenance and support for the deployed solution are met effectively.

Our Approach

Intigate’s collective domain expertise is quite extensive, which allows us to deliver end-to-end AI solutions for a wide range of industries. Our approach to AI development depends on your project’s requirements and the engineering practices deemed best for your product. This may include:

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    Agile development methodology is used to minimize risks involved when adding functionalities such as bugs, cost overruns, and changing requirements.

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    Lean Development

    The lean model is used to reduce development costs, improve quality, increase productivity, and leading to increased customer satisfaction.

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    RAD (Rapid Application Development)

    This approach allows developers to quickly adjust to shifting requirements in a fast-paced and constantly changing environment. RAD is useful for small to medium projects that are time-sensitive.

  • Waterfall-web-version

    The waterfall method is consists of sequential phases (requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance). Project managers decide to use this methodology for projects with clear objectives and stable requirements.

Full-Stack Technologies & Tools We Champion

Intigate’s team has built and honed competency in a wide range of technologies and tools that facilitate proficient development processes.